Contract Details

                                 English as a Second Language (ESL) Tutoring 

Tutor’s Responsibilities
Tutor will prepare ESL lessons for tutoring sessions designed to help Student make progress in the areas agreed to by Student and Tutor.
Tutor agrees to provide ESL lessons according to the specific requirements of the student. Tutor agrees to be on time for each lesson. Tutor will wait for Student at least 15 minutes in the event that Student is late.
Student’s Responsibilities
Student agrees to be on time for each lesson. Student will wait for Tutor at least 15 minutes in the event that Tutor is late.
Student will make every attempt to complete any homework agreed to by Student and Tutor.
Tutoring Schedule
Generally Student and Tutor both agree to meet at least one time per week, unless unforeseen circumstances make it impossible. Exceptions can be taken into consideration according to the terms given below in: Cancellation and Termination Policy.
Fees and Deposit
The rate for a one hour ESL English lesson is from CHF40 per lesson.
If tutor goes to a student's place, the student pays CHF10 for the commute.
Tutor usually holds the lessons at her workplace which is her home as well.
Addresse:  Birchstrasse 115

                  8050 Zürich
                  Tel: +41 (0) 44 501 88 04

                  Mob: +41 (0) 76 702 37 06
At the beginning of the first class, Student must pay a Deposit equal to the amount of one class. The amount paid at the first session will be the Deposit plus the amount for the first class or the student can pay the bill for the whole month in advance.
Cancellation and Termination Policy
If Student needs to cancel a scheduled lesson, Student agrees to contact Tutor at least 24 hours before the scheduled lesson. Student may contact Tutor by email or by telephone. Student and Tutor agree to reschedule the cancelled lesson as soon as possible.
Student forfeits the deposit paid for a scheduled lesson if Student fails to give at least 24 hours notice to Tutor. That means that Student pays for the missed lesson. Any exceptions to this policy must be discussed between Student and Tutor. Student also forfeits the deposit if he or she is later than 15 minutes to a scheduled lesson without calling Tutor.
A period of temporary incapacity, illness or holidays can be considered as an exception that means that student has not to pay for his/her absenteeism in any case.
Either Tutor or Student may cancel this contract at any time with one week notice to the other.
The cancellation notice can be done in oral or written form.

Data protection declaration

  1. All personal data which we are receiving from you will be collected, processed and used by Language Studio solely for your enrollment to the course. Your personal data are accessible only to the finder of Language Studio.
  2. Your data or any documents will be deleted after course is finished unless you have enrolled yourself for another course in the meantime.
  3. You must give us your assurance that your data is truthful, up to date and complete. We should point out that untruthful data could result in dismissal from any registrtion for the course.
  4. The processing of data is carried out in compliance with the general standards for data security in line with the most recent technology. All parties are bound by strict rules of confidentiality, and will therefore not pass on any of the users' personal data to unauthorised third parties.
  5. By clicking on the button marked "I accept the provisions for data protection" you state your agreement to the processing of your data. Your consent to the processing of your data will be recorded.
We wish you success with your studies.